Literature scan of health equity indicators from PHSA

Literature scan of health equity indicators from PHSA

Promoting Health Equity - Choosing Appropriate Indicators: Literature Scan

The Population & Public Health (PPH) Program at PHSA is currently working in collaboration with stakeholders across BC to develop a suite of health equity indicators that will inform target-setting for improving equity in health. The suite of indicators is intended to support stakeholders' efforts in measuring, monitoring, and improving health equity across BC.

The content in this document supported PPH’s early work in developing the suite.  For example, it helped identify an initial list of proposed indicators that PPH began further exploration on in the Fall, 2012, and formed the basis of further conversations in early 2013 around criteria for prioritizing the indicators. It also informed the choice of a 3-tiered framework for organizing the indicators.

We are currently undergoing a process of prioritizing a proposed list of 85+ indicators, which will continue into Winter, 2013.  Once the list is finalized, we will be examining them by a number of cross-cutting equity dimensions and generating baseline health equity measures for BC that will be included in a report to be produced in 2014.

PPH will share additional health equity indicator resources as they are developed.

For more information see